So-Doh! is a new Sourdough microbakery in Renvyle Connemara. Our mission is to produce quality sourdough breads & some sweet sourdough treats. I use all organic or Irish milled flour in my baking process. All products are made by hand with surfaces individually created. Sourdough is a naturally leavened bread, made from flour, water & salt making it nutritious, light & easy to digest.
My Sourdough breads, cinnamon swirls & other sourdough treats can be pre ordered through my Instagram page @so_doh_sourdough_renvyle on a Tuesday to collect in Letterfrack on the Friday between 12.30-1.30pm.
I also supply @neighbourfoodclifden (online farmers market) again a pre ordering system, you order before midnight on Tuesday night
for collection in Clifden on Thursday from 3-5pm. I will be doing some pop up events/markets throughout the summer months, these